Elevated Radio interview with Jan Noble
Our training includes access to all the courses, materials, and tools needed in order to open one’s own healing practice. We also provide career training, often with job placement referrals, for new graduates.
Become a Holistic Health Practitioner
HLIL offers a comprehensive selection of modalities to educate you with the ability to provide your future clients with complete Mind/Body/Spirit healing and optimum wellness.
Our 500-hour Certified Holistic Health Consultant/Practitioner program includes the following Holistic Modalities:
Herbal Medicine:
We discover the gifts herbs and botanicals give us through their medicinal, culinary, and cosmetic properties. In class, we recognize an herb as being any botanical whose roots, leaves, bark, flowers, fruits, and stems contribute to our health and well-being.
Iridology is the study of the patterns and markings in the iris of the eye. These patterns and markings correlate with specific health and nutritional challenges and strengths and weaknesses in the body. Iridology does not attempt to diagnose any specific disease condition but rather helps us understand our basic temperament so we can know how to balance our nutrition and lifestyle to obtain greater physical, mental, and emotional fitness.
Ayurvedic Medicine:
This course focuses on the ancient school of “Ayurveda.” This system’s personalized approach to the prevention and treatment of disease is unique, focusing on the individual and how a particular illness uniquely manifests in that individual. At the heart of this approach is the concept of Prakuti, an individual’s unique constitution of being, which is fixed for the duration of one’s life. This Prakuti is a combination of three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, the three basic principle energies of the body. The cause of disease in the body is viewed in Ayurvedic Medicine as a lack of cellular function due to an excess or deficiency of these three energies. In order for us to balance our mind, body, and consciousness, we need to understand how Vata, Pitta, and Kapha work together.
Beginning Yoga offers training in ancient gentle postures for creating balance in the body through strength and flexibility. This class will enable the practitioner to provide beginning yoga posture suggestions and examples to their clients for increased mobility.
Aromatherapy is the therapeutic application of essential oils, which are the key ingredients distilled from a plant’s seeds, bark, roots, etc. Essential oils are at the heart of aromatherapy and the root of our studies.
Homeopathy is a gentle philosophy that sees disease as an energy imbalance, a disturbance in the bodies “vital force.” Its techniques are based on the premise that the body is self-healing and that symptoms are the expression of the body trying to restore balance. Homeopathy does not cover up or destroy disease but stimulates the body’s own healing action.
Flower Essences:
Flower essences are the “life-forces” derived from the plants via a water-infused matrix that addresses emotional issues and mind/body health.

Nutri-Escience is “the Science of Essential Nutrition.” In this class, we explore the unseen influences in our diet and environment that may be adversely influencing our health. Using natural remedies, lifestyle modifications, and supplementation, we strive to compensate for adverse influences and restore balance and optimum wellness.
EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique:
Taught throughout the world for over 40 years, EFT helps to alleviate stress and fear-based phobias that are instigated through feelings, emotions, and memories of traumatic events. By tapping on strategic points in the acupuncture meridian system, stored traumatic feelings and emotions can be released. This technique is useful for symptoms of PTSD, smoking, and stress.
When you enroll with our 500-hour HHC/HHP program, you automatically qualify for a full grant towards the 250-hour Accupressure/Reflexology program, which perfectly compliments your HHC/HHP training. The combination of these two programs will give you full access to the many global healing modalities that can enable you to provide the highest level of optimum wellness to your clients.
The Accupressure/ Reflexology program provides 250 hours of training in:
- Shiatsu and Accupressure, two bodywork modalities that are non-disrobing, hands-on therapies that provide relief from muscle pain, inflammation, and structural imbalances.
- Cranial Sacral Balancing, a gentle hands-on technique that improves alignment and spinal integrity. This modality is exceptional for migraine sufferers.
- Sacred Breath/Violet Flame Reiki, with training in all five levels so that, upon completion, you are certified to teach your own Sacred Breath/Violet Flame Reiki classes.
- Holistic Health Advisor, a series of 5 basic classes that you are also able to teach to your own students upon completion of the HHC/HHP and the Accupressure/ Reflexology programs as a Holistic Health Science Educator.
The five classes are:
- Basic Flower Essences
- Aromatherapy/Essential oils
- Dosha Body Type Balancing
- Basic EFT
- Basic Nutri-Escience/Candida Cleanse.
Classes are offered weekdays, weekends, and evenings. New segments begin every three to 6 weeks, so you can begin training at any time throughout the year. You may tour the campus by appointment or even sit in a class, meet teachers and current students, and get a feel of the awesome healing energy we have cultivated over the last 25 years.
Come, join the school that teaches the healers and the teachers.
Contact us today!